7 Top Tips to Moving Forward After Fifty

7 top tips to moving forward after 50 Like many women over fifty, you may have negative thoughts about ageing. I’m on a mission to help women over fifty recognise that life does begin after fifty. Fear around being judged disperses, and you get to create life on...

Reinvention with Carole Ann Rice

https://www.rebeccaronane.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Untitled-design-70.mp4 My first Forward After Fifty podcast interview was with Carole Ann Rice whose Pure Coaching Academy gave me all the tools to go out into the world and start my journey as an accredited...
I’m biting back!

I’m biting back!

A friend I hadn’t spoken to for a while remarked negatively on the none mask-wearing youth who were endangering seniors during the current COVID 19 crisis in the UK, this made me curious as to what was being written about the generation gap during the pandemic. I read...
Living my top Values in Lockdown

Living my top Values in Lockdown

If I’d been told six months ago I’d be living in lockdown my response would be ‘no way am I having my freedom wings clipped that’s for dictatorial countries’. And here we are 6 months later having been in confinement  ( the French translation) for nearly 6...