The Rising Reinventors' Club

If you’re ready to embrace the possibilities of reinvention and rediscovery, you’re in the right place.

The Rising Reinventors’ Club is more than just a programme; it’s a supportive community where you can explore your potential, break free from limitations, and chart a course towards a more fulfilling and empowered future.

Whether navigating a career transition, seeking work-life balance, or simply craving a fresh start, my comprehensive programme and personalised guidance will empower you to rise above challenges and reinvent/rediscover yourself.

What my clients have said about me

“Rebecca has helped me to focus on the tasks that will lead to my goals more quickly, and identify the best route to reach these goals. She has particularly encouraged me to recognise the value of my team, what to delegate and to whom, freeing me up to take on a more directorial role”.

Read More from Victoria Templeman

“Working with Rebecca Ronane has been the most extraordinary experience.  She helped me see certain things more clearly” 

Colette Engstrom Read More.

“However uneasy you may feel about a group session. Rebecca makes everyone welcome and quickly draws us all together. Carefully guiding the flow Rebecca encourages all”.

Ana Onatah Read More



”’Are you a woman over 50 uncertain about what’s next? Do you question your identity or feel stuck in roles that no longer serve you? You’re not alone. Many women over 50 have a desire for change. Let me introduce you to my programme, The Rising Reinventors’ Club.

The Rising Reinventors’ Club is for women navigating various life and work stages. Whether you’re a hybrid worker, running your own business, freelancing, or currently not working due to retirement, transitions, or redundancy, this programme is for you.

At the Rising Reinventors’ Club, we champion inclusivity! Age is just a number; being over 50 doesn’t mean you’re confined to any particular role. We’re all about shattering stereotypes and embracing the thrill of what’s to come, regardless of age or circumstances.

How the Programme Works:

As outlined above, there are 12 modules. Each module is delivered live with me monthly on Wednesdays at 10 a.m. UK time. Each session lasts 2 hours, providing plenty of time to dive deep into meaningful discussions and exercises.Whether you prefer to participate live or catch up on replays, my flexible delivery ensures you can engage with the content at your own pace. Optional accompanying worksheets will be available for each module. These handy resources provide practical exercises and prompts to help you apply key concepts discussed in each session. These worksheets offer a structured framework to guide your reinvention, from reflecting on your values to setting actionable goals.
Join our exclusive online community, a supportive space where members can connect, collaborate, and cheer each other on throughout the journey of reinvention. This community is a valuable resource that will enhance your learning experience.

Age doesn’t define or limit you.

You will realise that age is not an excuse to stop; it’s a place to start something new and exciting. You will rediscover your purpose, build confidence, and become a force to be reckoned with – a Rising Reinventor! Are you ready to reimagine what’s possible?



Discover what truly matters to you and align your actions with your core values.


Prioritise self-care and cultivate a sense of holistic wellbeing.


Understand your money stories and learn simple money strategies.


Identify and overcome the fears and obstacles holding you back.


 Break free from the people-pleasing cycle and reclaim your authenticity.


Create harmony between your personal and professional life.


Develop the self-belief and resilience to pursue your goals with confidence.


Establish healthy boundaries to protect your time, energy, and emotional wellbeing.


 Set meaningful and achievable goals that inspire and motivate you.


Confront your fears and learn strategies to overcome them.


Cultivate curiosity and maximise your time for personal growth and exploration.


Create a roadmap for reinvention and rediscovery.


  • Questioning Identity: Let go of societal expectations. Explore who you are beyond your past roles.
  • Overcome the fear of change:  Build the confidence to pursue your dreams.
  • Negative Narratives and Ageism: Challenge stereotypes and rewrite your narrative of ageing.
  • Reignite your sense of purpose: Discover what truly matters to you.
  • Build Confidence: Gain the self-assurance to pursue your goals and aspirations.
  • Understand Yourself: Explore your values, fears, and motivations for clarity and insight.
  • Create Independence: Take control of your life and create a sense of independence.
  • Improve Wellbeing: Prioritise your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing for a more fulfilling life.
  • Set Boundaries: Learn to say no and establish healthy boundaries to protect your time and energy.
  • Reinvention: Embrace change and explore new possibilities for your future self.

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Take some precious time out of your busy life to discover what’s truly important to you, and inject some positivity into your life in the process.

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